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作者:admin  来源:本站原创  时间:2013/5/20  【 字体: 双击自动滚屏

Hebei Xinkai Automobile Manufacture Company Limited, Gaobeidian Xinkai Automobile Manufacture Company Limited v. (Japan) Honda Motor Company Limited, Dongfeng Honda Automobile (Wuhan) Company Limited and Beijing Xinsheng Baili Automobile Trade Company Lim


Hebei Xinkai Automobile Manufacture Company Limited, Gaobeidian Xinkai Automobile Manufacture Company Limited v. (Japan) Honda Motor Company Limited, Dongfeng Honda Automobile (Wuhan) Company Limited and Beijing Xinsheng Baili Automobile Trade Company Limited

(Objection to Jurisdictional Dispute over Injury of Patent Right for Design)

Civil Ruling of the Supreme People's Court

No. 2 (2005)

Appellant (Defendant in the First Instance): Hebei Xinkai Automobile Manufacture Company Limited, domiciled at South Street, Gaobeidian City, Hebei Province.

Legal Representative: Zhang Zhentang, board chairman of the Company.

Authorized Agent: Wang Jincai, lawyer of Hebei Gaobeidian Jinbei Law Firm.

Authorized Agent: Wei Jianhua, deputy general manager of the Company.

Appellant (Defendant in the First Instance): Gaobeidian Xinkai Automobile Manufacture Company Limited, domiciled at No. 79, South Street, Gaobeidian City, Hebei Province.

Legal Representative: Zhang Xiuying, board chairman of the Company.

Authorized Agent: Wang Jincai, lawyer of Hebei Gaobeidian Jinbei Law Firm.

Authorized Agent: Wei Jianhua, deputy general manager of the Company.

Appellee (Plaintiff in the First Instance): (Japan) Honda Motor Company Limited, domiciled at Tokyo, Japan.

Legal Representative: Ogino Dougi, board chairman of the Company.

Authorized Agent: Han Dengying, lawyer of Beijing King & Wood Law Firm.

Authorized Agent: Zhang Shouzhi, lawyer of Beijing King & Wood Law Firm.

Appellee (Plaintiff in the First Instance): Dongfeng Honda Automobile (Wuhan) Company Limited, domiciled at Checheng East Street, Wuhan Economic & Technological Development Zone, Wuhan City, Hubei Province.

Legal Representative: Zhou Wenjie, board chairman of the Company.

Authorized Agent: Han Dengying, lawyer of Beijing King & Wood Law Firm.

Authorized Agent: Zhang Shouzhi, lawyer of Beijing King & Wood Law Firm.

Defendant in the First Instance: Beijing Xinsheng Baili Automobile Trade Company Limited, domiciled at No. 232, Datun, Andingmenwai, Chaoyang District, Beijing City.

Legal Representative: Yu Gang, general manager of the Company.

With regard to the case of objection to the jurisdictional dispute with (Japan) Honda Motor Company Limited and Dongfeng Honda Automobile (Wuhan) Company Limited, the appellees, as well as Beijing Xinsheng Baili Automobile Trade Company Limited (defendant in the first instance, hereinafter referred to as Xinsheng Baili Company) over the infringement of patent right for design, Hebei Xinkai Automobile Manufacture Company Limited and Gaobeidian Xinkai Automobile Manufacture Company Limited, the appellants, were dissatisfied with No. 1472 (2004) civil ruling of the Higher People's Court of Beijing Municipality of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as Beijing Higher Court), and jointly appealed to the present court by alleging: 1. With respect to the ruling of the first instance that Xinsheng Baili Company sold infringing products, the appellees did not provide any evidence, nor was any cross-examination made. 2. The ruling of the first instance did not reply to the challenge put forward by the appellants to the jurisdiction that cases of the first instance on patent disputes should be under the jurisdiction of the intermediate people's courts instead of the higher people's courts; moreover, Beijing Higher Court's relevant provisions on hierarchical jurisdiction over cases of the first instance on intellectual property rights are illegal, and have violated
Article 2 of the “Several Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on Issues Concerning Application of Laws to the Trial of Patent Disputes”. 3. The appellants submitted a request to the Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences of the State Intellectual Property Office for declaring the four patents in question invalid, and the request has been accepted. Meanwhile, the appellants also submitted their application to Beijing Higher Court for suspending the trial. They pleaded the present court to take the aforesaid facts into account in the trial of the present case.

The two appellees argued in the joint defense that: 1. Xinsheng Baili Company sold the infringing products in question, and the court in Beijing should have jurisdiction over the present case. In this regard, the appellees submitted relevant notarized evidence within the time limit for providing evidence in the first instance; since an objection to the jurisdictional power shall be proposed according to law within the period for defense, and the period for defense is earlier than the procedures for cross-examination of evidence within the time limit for providing evidence, it is impossible to make a ruling on objection to jurisdiction on the basis of the cross-examined evidential materials. 2. The provisions of Beijing Higher Court on hierarchical jurisdiction over cases of the first instance on intellectual property rights were formulated in accordance with the Civil Litigation Law and the judicial interpretation thereof, and prescribe that, a case on intellectual property right, with the amount in dispute being CNY 100 million or above, shall be under the jurisdiction of the higher people's court. Therefore, Beijing Higher Court should have jurisdictional power over the present case. 3. The appellants should have no right to request in the second instance of the present case for examination of the appellees' request to Beijing Higher Court for suspension of the trial. 4. The appellants had no justifiable reason to propose the objection to the jurisdictional power, and their purpose of misconstruing the laws and appealing regarding the ruling on objection to the jurisdictional power was to delay the progress of the trial of the present case.

Xinsheng Baili Company did not show its opinions regarding the present case.

It was verified by the present court after trial: When Beijing Higher Court served the bill of complaint to the two appellants on November 30, 2004, it also served 16 items of evidence submitted by the two appellees when the lawsuit was brought. Among the items of evidence, Evidence Item 7 (No. 05752 [2004] Notarial Deed of Beijing Municipal Notarial Office) and Evidence Item 8 (No. 05753 [2004] Notarial Deed of Beijing Municipal Notarial Office) were used to prove that Xinsheng Baili Company sold the infringing products in question, i.e., automobiles with the factory plate model as HXK6491E. In the second instance, the two appellants acknowledged that they received the aforesaid evidence, but refused to put forward further cross-examination opinions on the ground that the notary did not appear in the court.

It was further verified that, the two appellants proposed their joint objection to jurisdiction during the period for submitting the statement of defense in the first instance, with their grounds as follows: 1. The infringing products in question, i.e., the automobiles with the model as HXK6491E, were manufactured by Hebei Xinkai Automobile Manufacture Company Limited which was domiciled at Hebei Province, so according to the relevant judicial interpretation, the present case shall be under the jurisdiction of the intermediate people's court of Shijiazhuang Municipality, Hebei Province. 2. In accordance with relevant provisions of the judicial interpretation, the cases of the first instance on patent disputes shall be under jurisdiction of the intermediate people's court, hence it was inappropriate for Beijing Higher Court to have accepted the present case. The appellants did not mention in their objection to jurisdiction the issue of whether Xinsheng Baili Company was the seller of the infringing products sued in the present case.

The present court holds:(I) On the basis for determining the territorial jurisdiction in the present case, i.e., whether Xinsheng Baili Company was the seller of the infringing products in the present case. To determine the jurisdiction, the court only made preliminary examination when accepting the case. Once the relevant evidence conforms to legal provisions formally, the case may be accepted according to law. But after the case is accepted, if the defendant proposes an objection to jurisdiction according to law, the court accepting the case shall fully examine the factual basis and legal basis for determining the jurisdiction, including examining and ascertaining the relevant evidence.

In the present case, whether Xinsheng Baili Company was the seller of the infringing products in question involves the issue of factual basis for determining whether Beijing Higher Court had hierarchical jurisdiction over the present case. Beijing Higher Court failed to convene the parties to examine and check relevant evidence, which was inappropriate. However, under the circumstance that the defendants did not deem it as the fact and ground of their objection to jurisdiction, Beijing Higher Court's ruling regarding the said fact and the ground was not an essential error.

During the second instance, the present court convened both parties to find the said fact. On one hand, the two appellants refused to put forward further cross-examination opinions regarding the notarial documents submitted by the two appellees to prove that Xinsheng Baili Company was the seller of the infringing products in the present case on the ground that the notary refused to appear in the court; on the other hand, they said clearly that no evidence could be submitted in this regard. In fact, the two appellants' ground for refusing to acknowledge the relevant notarial document is not sufficient, is short of legal basis, and shall be deemed as the waiver of their right to have the evidence further cross-examined. In accordance with
Article 67 of the Civil Litigation Law, Item (6) of Paragraph 1 of and Paragraph 2 of Article 9 of the “Several Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on Evidence in Civil Litigation”, when the party concerned had no contrary evidence enough to reverse the notarial proof, the people's court could deem the facts notarized through statutory procedures as the evidence for ascertaining the facts of the case.

Therefore, the present court ascertains that the notarial document provided by the appellees may prove that Xinsheng Baili Company was the seller of the infringing products in question. In accordance with
Article 6 of the “Several Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on Issues Concerning Application of Laws to the Trial of Patent Disputes”, i.e., “where the manufacturer and the seller are sued as joint defendants, the people's court at the place of selling shall have jurisdiction”, the relevant court in Beijing, where the seller of the infringing products in question is located, shall have territorial jurisdiction over the present case. Although some of the aforesaid appellate grounds of the two appellants were tenable, the court's territorial jurisdiction over the present case cannot be changed accordingly. The two appellees' defending opinions that it is impossible to make the ruling on the objection to the jurisdiction on the basis of the cross-examined evidential materials are not tenable, but they do not affect the present court's determination of the jurisdiction in the present case, either.

(II) On whether Beijing Higher Court's exercise of hierarchical jurisdiction in the present case was illegal.
Article 2 of the “Several Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on Issues Concerning Application of Laws to the Trial of Patent Disputes” prescribes: “The cases of the first instance on patent disputes shall be under the jurisdiction of the intermediate people's court of the place where the people's government of the competent province, autonomous region, or municipalities directly under the Central Government is located, or of the intermediate people's court appointed by the Supreme People's Court.” The original idea of the provision lies in that the courts of the lowest level that tries cases of patent disputes shall be those appointed intermediate people's courts, but does not exclude the higher people's courts from exercising jurisdiction over the cases of the first instance on patent disputes according to law. The “Provisions on the Hierarchical Jurisdiction for the People's Courts at All Levels in Beijing to Accept Cases of the First Instance on Civil Disputes over Intellectual Property Rights” formulated by Beijing Higher Court on December 17, 2002 prescribe that, a case on civil dispute over intellectual property right (including the case on dispute involving foreign interests) with a disputed value of CNY 100 million or more shall be under the jurisdiction of the higher people's court. This provision is compatible with the Civil Litigation Law and relevant provisions in the present court's judicial interpretation, and may be deemed as the basis for determining the hierarchical jurisdiction in the present case. The amount of compensation claimed by the plaintiffs in the present case in the lawsuit was CNY 100 million, and thus Beijing Higher Court shall have hierarchical jurisdiction over the present case. Neither the appellate ground of the two appellants for their allegation that the higher people's court had no jurisdiction over cases of the first instance on patent disputes nor their appellate ground that the relevant provisions formulated by Beijing Higher Court on jurisdiction by level over cases of the first instance on intellectual property rights were illegal can be tenable. However, it is regretful that Beijing Higher Court did not make any comment on the two appellants' grounds for challenging its jurisdiction.

(III) On whether the request of the two appellants for suspending the proceedings shall be taken into account. The determination of jurisdiction is the premise for the court to settle other procedural issues and all substantive issues of the case, and only after the issue on objection to the jurisdictional power has been resolved does the court need to examine and decide on the issues such as whether the proceedings shall be suspended. In an appellate case on objection to jurisdiction, the issue of suspending the proceedings does not fall within the scope of trial of the present case, and does not have to be examined by the present court.

In addition, the opinions of the two appellees that the two appellants delayed the progress of the trial of the present case with unreasonable objection to jurisdiction are irrelevant to the trial of the present case, and are not supported by the present court, either, because the two appellants exercised their litigation rights according to law.

To sum up, the appellants' major appellate grounds are not tenable. The present court ruled as follows in accordance with Item (1) of Paragraph 1 of
Article 153 of and Article 154 of the “Civil Litigation Law of the People's Republic of China”:

The appeal shall be rejected, and the original ruling shall be sustained.

The present Ruling shall be final.

Presiding Judge Wang Yongchang

Acting Judge Tai Zhonglin

Acting Judge
  Li Jian

June 28, 2005

Court Clerk Cui Lina







  被上诉人(原审原告):东风本田汽车 (武汉)有限公司。
  本院经审理查明:原审法院于2004 1130日在向两上诉人送达原告起诉状的同时,已将两被上诉人起诉时提交的十六份证据一并送达,其中证据七(北京市公证处[2004]京证经字第05752号《公证书》)和证据八(北京市公证处[2004]京证经字第05753号《公证书》)用于证明北京鑫升百利汽车贸易有限公司销售了被控侵权产品,即厂牌型号为HXK6491E的汽车。二审中,两上诉人认可其已收到上述证据,但以公证人员未出庭为由,拒绝发表进一步的质证意见。
  另查明,两上诉人在一审提交答辩状期间对本案管辖权提出共同异议,理由如下:1.被控侵权产品即型号为HXK6491E的汽车系由河北新凯汽车制造有限公司制造,该公司住所地在河北省,依据有关司法解释,本案应由河北省石家庄市中级人民法院管辖。 2.依据司法解释的有关规定,专利纠纷第一审案件由中级人民法院管辖,北京市高级人民法院受理本案不妥。上诉人在管辖权异议中未涉及北京鑫升百利汽车贸易有限公司是否系本案被控侵权产品销售者的问题。

审 判 长 王永昌
代理审判员 邰中林

代理审判员 李 剑


书 记 员 崔丽娜

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