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作者:admin  来源:本站原创  时间:2013/5/25  【 字体: 双击自动滚屏

U.S. Mineral Metal Co., Ltd. v. Xiamen Joint Development (Group) Co., Ltd.




U.S. Mineral Metal Co., Ltd. v. Xiamen Joint Development (Group) Co., Ltd.

(Case on Dispute over Company Debts)

Supreme People's Court

(Civil Judgment No. 4 [2004] of the Supreme People's Court)

Appellant (Plaintiff of the Original Instance): U.S. Mineral Metal Co., Ltd., domiciled in No. 120, Schor Road, Leonia, New Jersey, United States

Legal Representative: Liu Daojing, president of the Company

Authorized Agent: Li Zhiquan, lawyer of Beacon Law Firm

Authorized Agent: Chen Yaoquan, lawyer of Beacon Law Firm

Appellee (Defendant of the Original Instance): Xiamen Joint Development (Group) Co., Ltd., domiciled on No. 13 Huli Ave, Huli District, Xiamen, Fujian Province, the People's Republic of China

Legal Representative: Wang Xianrong, president of the Company

Authorized Agent: Wu Xu, lawyer of Fujian Xiamen Xufeng Law Firm

U.S. Mineral Metal Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the US Mineral Co., Ltd.) was dissatisfied with the Civil Judgment No. 031 [2003] of the Higher People's Court of Fujian Province on the case involving its dispute over debts with Xiamen Joint Development (Group) Co., Ltd. and filed an appeal with this Court. This Court has formed a collegiate bench comprised of Wang Yuan, as the presiding justice, Chen Jizhong and Zhou Xiang, as acting justices to hear this case. It has now been concluded.

It was found in the original instance that: On September 2, 1983, upon the approval of the People's Government of Fijian Province, a Joint Development Co., Ltd. of Xiamen Special Economic Zone was established by such three parties as the Construction and Development Co., Ltd. of Xiamen Special Economic Zone, the Trust Consulting Company of the Bank of China and 5 Hong Kong and Macao Banks (Hong Kong Chiyu Banking Corporation Limited, Hua Chiao Commercial Bank Ltd., Nanyang Commercial Bank, Ltd., Po Sang Bank Hong Kong and Nam Tung Investment (Macau) Limited). The Administrative Bureaus for Industry and Commerce of Fujian Province verified and registered it on October 18 of the same year. The enterprise type is a joint venture, the registered capital is 0. 25 billion yuan. The equity proportion of the three parties is: 51% held by the Construction Development Co., Ltd. of Xiamen Special Economic Zone, 34% held by the Trust and Consulting Co., Ltd. of the Bank of China and 15% held by the 5 Hong Kong & Macao Banks. On May 14, 1993, the former Ministry of Economic and Foreign Trade (hereinafter referred to as the former Foreign Trade Ministry) approved, by an Approval Certificate No. 119 [1993], the alteration of the name into the Joint Development Co., Ltd. and issue an Approval Certificate of Foreign-funded Enterprise of the People's Republic of China thereto. On May 22 of the same year, the State Administration of Industry and Commerce approved the alteration of the enterprise name.

On June 14, 1986, the Joint Development Co., Ltd. of Xiamen Special Economic Zone, filed an application report to Xiamen Economic and Trade Commission (hereinafter referred to as the Commission) for establishing a Xiemen Joint Development Import & Export Trade Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the Joint Co., Ltd.), which goes like: On October 30, 1984, since the Joint Co., Ltd. was established upon approval of your Commission by Document No. 097 [1984], it had made an export proceeds of 3. 3 million yuan in 1985. The business development goes on smoothly. Although the source of capital is allocated by the Joint Co., Ltd., there is no foreign capital contribution therein. In order to clarify the relationship of the joint venture and the enterprise owned by the whole people, we apply for the establishment of a Joint Development Import & Export Trade Co., Ltd. that has an independent financial accounting and assumes the sole responsibility for its own incomes and expenditures as well as its profits and losses…” On June 16 of the same year, the Commission replied by a Document No. 625 [1986] to approve the establishment of a Joint Development in Import & Export Trade Co., Ltd.” owned by the whole people. On June 18 of the same year, it was verified and registered by Xiamen Administrative Bureau for Industry and Commerce and obtained a business license. On August 10, 1992, the former Foreign Trade Ministry approved the Joint Trade Co., Ltd. to engage in the business operation of export and import. On August 31 of the same year, the Joint Co., Ltd. was altered into Xiamen Joint Development of Import & Export Co., Ltd. (Group) (hereinafter referred to as the Joint Trade Co., Ltd.). On December 13, 1998, the former Foreign Trade Ministry revoked the right to import and export of the Joint Trade Co., Ltd. by a Document No. 1792. On July 5, 2001, Xiamen Administrative Bureau for Industry and Commerce served an administrative punishment on the Joint Trade Co., Ltd. for it failed to participate in the annual examination, and thus decided to revoke its business license.

It was also found that, during August, September and October of 1992, the US Mineral Co., Ltd. and the Joint Trade Co., Ltd. concluded 9 contracts, stipulating that the US Mineral Co., Ltd shall sell to the Joint Trade Co., Ltd. 2, 000 tons of aluminum ingots and 5, 000 tons of electrolytic copper. The Joint Trade Co., Ltd. failed to pay off the total goods price in a timely manner after receiving the goods, the US Mineral Co., Ltd. then applied on October 6, 1994 for arbitration with China International Business and Trade Arbitration Commission according to the arbitration clause in the Contract. On November 6, 1995, China International Business and Trade Arbitration Commission made an arbitration that the Joint Trade Co., Ltd. shall refund, before January 30, 1996, US $ 7, 495, 343. 4 to the US Mineral Co., Ltd. and the overdue interests, if any, shall be calculated in light of 8 % the annual interests. After the arbitration comes into force, the US Mineral Co., Ltd. immediately applied with Xiamen Intermediate People's Court of Fujian Province for coercive enforcement. As the party under enforcement ran at a gross loss and thus had no assets for execution, Xiamen Intermediate People's Court, Fujian Province ruled to suspend the execution on November 23, 1998.

On November 7, 2003, the US Mineral Co., Ltd. filed an action with the court of the original instance, pleading with the court to order the Joint Trade Co., Ltd. to bear the joint and several liabilities of debts of US $ 7, 495, 343. 4 as well as the interests calculated in light of 8 % the annual interest rate from February 1, 1992 to the day of actual payment.

The court of the original instance found through hearing that: This case is mainly concerned with the issue on whether or not the Joint Trade Co., Ltd. is qualified as the subject to bear the debt. As the Joint Trade Co., Ltd. is a domestic legal person and both parties did not choose to select any foreign law for application, therefore the law of the People's Republic of China shall be the applicable law to solve the dispute in this case.

According to
the General Principles of the People's Republic of China as well as the Company Law of the People's Republic of China, a limited liabilities company is an enterprise legal person, an organization that has the capacity for civil rights and capacity for civil conducts and enjoys the civil rights and civil obligations. Therefore, whether the plaintiff of this case is qualified or not, and whether the Joint Trade Co., Ltd. shall bear the joint and several liabilities for its debts, depends on whether or not the Joint Trade Co., Ltd is a qualified enterprise legal person. It is found that Xiamen Administrative Bureau for Industry and Commerce and the Commission, according to the application of the defendant, approved the establishment of the Joint Trade Co., Ltd. to engage in import and export. On June 18 of the same year, it was verified and registered by Xiamen Administrative Bureau for Industry and Commerce to be an enterprise owned by the whole people that assumes the sole responsibility for its own incomes and expenditures as well as its profits and losses, and collected its enterprise business license. Afterwards, the former Foreign Trade Ministry replied and approved the internal and external import and export business of the Joint Trade Co., Ltd. and issued a Qualification Certificate of Import and Export Enterprises. Therefore, from the archival materials of industrial and commercial enterprises, when the Joint Trade Co., Ltd. conducted an international trade with the plaintiff, it has been verified and registered by the relevant state organ and thus obtained the qualification for an enterprise legal person that shall independently assume the civil liabilities. As to the issue on whether the defendant can, as a joint venture at that time, apply for establishing an import & export company owned by the whole people (the Joint Trade Co., Ltd.), the plaintiff deemed that the defendant is a joint venture that is not entitled to establish any import & export enterprise owned by the whole people. The defendant adopted the means of fraud to cheat for the approval document of the administrative department and thus it was not established on any legal ground, so the people's court shall not confirm the legal person qualification thereof. The defendant deemed that although it is registered as a joint venture, the contribution of the foreign party fails to reach 25% of what has been prescribed by law and is made in foreign exchange. The shareholders thereof are all Chinese. Therefore, the administrative department determined the nature of Joint Trade Co., Ltd. as a joint venture that can enjoy the relevant treatment for a joint venture. However, it is not a joint venture in nature, so it is legal for the administrative department to determine its nature as an enterprise owned by the whole people, which complied with the state policies at that time. Furthermore, the enterprise nature does not affect the assumption of liabilities by a legal person enterprise. Therefore, the court held that it shall be verified by the administrative department of the state according to the relevant laws and policies for examination and approval whether the Joint Trade Co., Ltd. can be established. If the plaintiff has any different opinion on the administrative act of the former administrative department to approve the establishment of the Joint Trade Co., Ltd., it may be solved according to the administrative procedures. There is no relevant evidence to prove that the Joint Trade Co., Ltd. concealed any true fact or cheated the administrative department and there is no false capital contribution or spiriting-away of capital to disqualify its qualification for a legal person. Therefore, the Joint Co., Ltd. had no fault in applying for establishing the Joint Trade Co., Ltd. and thus shall not bear any civil liabilities for the Joint Trade Co., Ltd..

In conclusion, the Joint Trade Co., Ltd. is an enterprise legal person that had been verified and registered by the administrative department and thus shall bear the civil liabilities. The Joint Co., Ltd. and the Joint Trade Co., Ltd. are two legal independent subjects and thus there is no fault in the establishment of the Joint Trade Co., Ltd.. So the Joint Trade Co., Ltd. may not therefore bear the joint and several liabilities of compensation according to law. There is no relevant evidence to support the allegation of the US Mineral Co., Ltd. and thus its claim shall be revoked according to law. This court, according to Paragraph 1,
Article 36 of the General Principles of the People's Republic of China, Article 3 of the Company Law of the People's Republic of China and Paragraph 1, Article 64 of the Civil Litigation Law of the People's Republic of China, adjudicated that: the litigation claim of the US Mineral Co., Ltd. shall be rejected. The case acceptance fee of 320, 317. 22 yuan shall be borne by the US Mineral Co., Ltd.

The US Mineral Co., Ltd. was dissatisfied with the judgment of the original instance and filed an appeal with this Court, alleging that: 1. The confirmation of facts in the original instance is wrong. (1) It was confirmed in the original instance that “The appellant had no fault in establishing the Joint Trade Co., Ltd.” whereas in fact the appellant had obvious fault in the course of establishment. A) According to the relevant provisions of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Sino-foreign equity joint venture enterprises, Sino-foreign contractual joint venture enterprises, and wholly foreign-funded enterprises, an enterprise owned by the whole people is totally different from any of the aforesaid three types in terms of enterprise nature, establishment subject, source and nature of assets as well as the requirements for establishment. None of the aforesaid 3 types of enterprises may represent the state, or be on behalf of the state, to invest to establish an enterprise owned by the whole people. Any wholly-funded subsidiary company established by re-investment is, merely by nature, any of the aforesaid 3 enterprise types. Whereas, the appellee, as a joint venture, established an “enterprise owned by the whole people” named the Joint Trade Co., Ltd., it obviously went against
Article 37 of the General Principles of the People's Republic of China, which prescribes that a legal person shall be “legally established”. (2) The appellee cheated the administrative department in its application that there was no “foreign shares”, and thus obtained an approval from the administrative department, this was an act of establishing an enterprise by means of fraud and thus was seriously illegal. (3) The appellee violated the relevant provisions of China by illegally establishing the Joint Trade Co., Ltd. to engage in the import and export, which has injured the foreign trade administration system as well as foreign investment administration system. So it was seriously unlawful for the appellee to establish a Joint Trade Co., Ltd.. (4) The former Foreign Trade Ministry specially distributed a document on 1998, clarifying that: According to the relevant provisions on foreign investment in force, the Joint Trade Co., Ltd. shall not establish any import & export subsidiary company”, and revoked the right to import and export in foreign trade, which indicated that the approval document of the Commission for the establishment of the Joint Trade Co., Ltd. was wrong, and that the appellee actually cheated for the approval document of the administrative department by means of fraud and thereafter upon the strength of the approval document, it denied its illegal act and shifted off its due liabilities. 2. It is wrong for the judgment of the original instance to confirm that the appellee “did not have any false capital contribution” of the Joint Trade Co., Ltd.. In the registration materials of industry and commerce of the Joint Trade Co., Ltd., there are altogether 3 copies of materials proving that the registered capital had been fully contributed by the Joint Trade Co., Ltd., namely, the Credit Certification produced by the Commission on June 17, 1986 proving that the registered capital of the Joint Trade Co., Ltd. is 5 million yuan, a Verification Report on Registered Capital produced by Xiamen Accounting Firm on May 9, 1989 proving that the registered capital of the Joint Trade Co., Ltd. is 1 million yuan. The appellee allocated the current capital on May 16, 1987, and Xiamen Public Finance Bureau produced a notice to the Administrative Bureau for Industry and Commerce of Xiamen Municipality in October, 1990, indicating that the actual registered capital of the Joint Trade Co., Ltd. is 1 million yuan. So, the description of the registered capital of the Joint Trade Co., Ltd. is self-contradictory. The aforesaid 3 materials cannot function as the basis to confirm that the appellee had fully contributed the capital. If the appellee failed to provide the relevant original credence produced by the bank to verify it, it shall be deemed that the appellee did not make any contribution of registered capital to the Joint Trade Co., Ltd.. According to the Document No. 4 [1994] of the Supreme People's Court, the appellee shall bear all the liabilities for the debts involved in this case. 2. The application of law is wrong in the original instance. (1) The establishment of the Joint Trade Co., Ltd. was illegal, so it was not an independent legal person and thus cannot bear any external liabilities independently. (2) The illegal establishment of the Joint Trade Co., Ltd. shall be invalid from the very beginning and thus the appellee shall bear all the liabilities to the appellant. (3) The Joint Trade Co., Ltd. was established by the appellee for illegal purposes and by illegal means, which has violated the social public interests and social economic order, so it shall be invalid from the very beginning and the appellee shall bear all the liabilities for the debts involved in this case. 3. When the appellee applied for the execution of arbitration, the Intermediate People's Court of Xiamen, Fujian Province entrusted Xiamen Jingxian Accounting Firm to conduct an auditing on the collection of the goods price of the Joint Trade Co., Ltd.. The Special Auditing Report No. 01723 [2003] produced by Jingxian Accounting Firm on February 11, 2003 indicated that, the Joint Trade Co., Ltd. had collected most of the goods price involved in this case, yet failed to give any explanation on the use of the collected goods price. The deputy manager of the board of directors of the appellee concurrently held the post of legal person of the Joint Trade Co., Ltd., therefore, the appellee was actually controlled by the Joint Trade Co., Ltd.. The Business License of the Joint Trade Co., Ltd. had been revoked and in such a case the appellee failed to explain the use of the collected goods price, the appellant deemed that the collected goods price had been illegally transferred by the appellee. Furthermore, the appellant had no assess to know whether there was any mix-up of assets or accounts between the appellee and the Joint Trade Co., Ltd.. Therefore, the appellant pleaded with the court of the second instance to conduct another auditing on the Joint Trade Co., Ltd., pleading that: (1) The judgment of the original instance shall be revoked. 2. The court shall adjudicate according to law that the appellee shall pay US $7, 495, 343. 40 as well as the relevant interests of 8% the annual interests from February 1, 1996 to the day of actual payment; 3. The appellee shall bear the cost of actions of the first and second instances, expenses for auditing and other expenses.

The Joint Trade Co., Ltd. argued that: 1. The establishment of the Joint Trade Co., Ltd. Complied with the legal procedures and thus it shall bear the civil liabilities independently to the outside. After the Joint Trade Co., Ltd. was established, its business operation as well as the alteration of its name were confirmed by the former Foreign Trade Ministry. The debts and credits between the appellant and the Joint Trade Co., Ltd. shall be borne by both parties concerned and had nothing to do with other companies. The establishment of the Joint Trade Co., Ltd. did not violate the spirit of the Supreme People's Court on the Assumption of Civil Liabilities of Any Other Sub-enterprise upon Cancellation or Suspension. 2. The Joint Co., Ltd. and the Joint Trade Co., Ltd. are two independent enterprise legal persons and the Joint Co., Ltd. had no fault in establishing the Joint Trade Co., Ltd., so it may not assume the joint and several liabilities of compensation for the debts of the Joint Trade Co., Ltd.. What's more, the appellant had no evidential evidence to prove that the Joint Co., Ltd. had any fault. Even if the former Foreign Trade Ministry revoked the right of the Joint Trade Co., Ltd. to business operation, it did not deny its qualification for an enterprise legal person. As long as the company is not written off according to law, its qualification for enterprise legal person is still in force, that would not affect the assumption of the civil liabilities thereof. It pleaded with the court: to revoke the appeal and affirm the judgment of the original instance.

The US Mineral Co., Ltd. had no material different opinion on the facts as confirmed by the court of the original instance and merely had a different opinion on the application of law. Therefore, the court confirms the facts as confirmed by the court of the original instance.

This court found through hearing that:

1. As to the application of law in the dispute of this case

There is no direct legal relationship between both parties concerned in this case. The US Mineral Co., Ltd. filed an action on the debts as involved in this case based on its relationship of debts and credits with the Joint Trade Co., Ltd. as well as on the fact that the Joint Trade Co., Ltd. was established by the Joint Co., Ltd.. According to the principle of the closest relationship of the Private International Law, and because the Joint Co., Ltd. is a Chinese legal person, the dispute involved in this case shall be governed by the Law of the People's Republic of China. Both parties concerned had no different opinion in this regard.

2. As to whether the Joint Co., Ltd. shall bear the joint and several liabilities of debts owed by the Joint Trade Co., Ltd. to the US Mineral Co., Ltd.

The creditor's right, on which the US Mineral Co., Ltd. filed an action in this case, was generated from the Sales and Purchase Contract between it and the Joint Trade Co., Ltd. and the contractual dispute had been ruled through arbitration. There is no direct contractual relationship between the US Mineral Co., Ltd. and Xiamen Joint Trade Co., Ltd. (relationship of credits and debts), the major ground for the US Mineral Co., Ltd. to file an action in this case is that the Joint Co., Ltd. had illegally established the Joint Trade Co., Ltd..

Paragraph 1,
Article 36 of the General Principles of the People's Republic of China prescribes: “A legal person shall be an organization that has the capacity for civil rights and capacity for civil conduct and independently enjoys civil rights and assumes civil obligations in accordance with the law.” Paragraph 2, Article 3 of the Company Law of the People's Republic of China prescribes: “For a limited liability company, a shareholder shall be liable to the company to the extent of the capital contributions it has paid. For a joint stock limited company, a shareholder shall be liable to the company to the extent of the shares it has subscribed.” The purpose of the US Mineral Co., Ltd. is to deny the company legal person status of the Joint Trade Co., Ltd.. The nature of a shareholder's act in abusing the company legal person and injuring the interests of the company as well as of the creditors thereof in a disguised veil, includes any transfer of assets, evasion of debts, establishment of a new company by its assets or spiriting-away of capital upon establishment of the new company or mix-up of the company assets and the assets of shareholders or random intervention of the shareholders into the company business which makes the right to business operation cease to exist except in name, etc. As to the administrative system of company registration, China determined the applicable scope of limited liabilities through the enterprise registration in the administrative departments for industry and commerce. As to an enterprise that has been registered as a legal person, the establisher or investor shall only be responsible for liabilities. With regard to the company management, when the administrative department for industry and commerce makes registration of an enterprise legal person, it cannot make any material or strict examination on whether an enterprise meets the requirements for legal person. To prevent any abuse of limited liabilities, the form factors are not enough and the material factors are required. In this case, the establishment of the Joint Trade Co., Ltd. as well as the alteration of the registered capital were both approved by the administrative department. What's more, the US Co., Ltd. traded for 6 years after the establishment of the Joint Trade Co., Ltd.. Therefore, there is no factual evidence to deny the company status of the Joint Trade Co., Ltd..

As to the issue regarding
the Reply of the Supreme People's Court on the Assumption of Civil Liabilities of Enterprises upon Cancellation or Suspension, item (2), Article 1 of the Reply prescribes: “Where any sub-enterprise of an enterprise has collected the Business License of Enterprise Legal Person, if the self-owned capital that it has actually invested is inconsistent with the registered capital, yet it has reached the amount prescribed in Item (7), Article 15 of the Detailed Rules for Implementing the Administration and Registration of Enterprises of the People's Republic of China according to the relevant laws and the other requirements for an enterprise legal person are satisfied, it shall be deemed that it meets the requirements for the enterprise legal person qualification and shall bear the civil liabilities based on its assets. Yet if, after the enterprise is canceled or suspended, the assets are not enough to pay off the liabilities, the enterprise shall assume the civil liabilities within the scope of balance between the self-owned capital that the enterprise has actually contributed and its registered capital”. Item (3), Article 1 prescribes: “Where any other enterprise collects the Business License for Enterprise Legal Person, yet if it fails to contribute any self-owned capital, or if the self-owned capital as contributed fails to reach the amount as prescribed in item (7), Article 15 of the Detailed Rules for Implementing the Administration and Registration of Enterprises of the People's Republic of China, or fails to meet any other requirement for enterprise legal person, the civil liabilities shall be borne by the enterprise legal person that has established the enterprise.” As to the nature, only when the registered capital of an enterprise legal person is insufficient or in the absence of capital contribution shall the enterprise legal person assume the civil liabilities within the scope of insufficient registered capital or all the civil liabilities. Whereas this specific case does not comply with the circumstance prescribed in the aforesaid provisions.

As to the Plea of the US Mineral Co., Ltd. to conduct an auditing on the Joint Trade Co., Ltd. the US Mineral Co., Ltd., based on its subjective presumption, requested to conduct a financial auditing, which lacks factual or legal basis and thus shall not be supported by the court.

In conclusion, even if there is any defect in the establishment of the Joint Trade Co., Ltd., the US Mineral Co., Ltd. failed to provide enough evidences to deny the company status of the Joint Trade Co., Ltd.. The claim of the US Mineral Co., Ltd. that the Joint Trade Co., Ltd. shall bear the joint and several liabilities lacks factual or legal basis and thus shall not be supported by this Court. The facts are clear and the judgment is correct in the original instance and thus it shall be affirmed. This Court adjudicated as follows according to Item (1), Paragraph 1, Article 153 of
the Civil Litigation Law of the People's Republic of China:

The appeal shall be revoked and the original judgment shall be affirmed.

The case acceptance fee of the second instance is 320, 317. 22 yuan, and it shall be borne by the US Mineral Co., Ltd.

This judgment shall be final.

Presiding Justice: Wang Yun

Acting Justice: Chen Jizhong

Acting Justice: Zhou Xiang

January 4, 2005

Clerk: Fu Xiaoqiang (acting)








  美国矿产公司不服原审判决,向本院提起上诉称:一、原审判决认定事实错误。1.原审判决认定被上诉人在设立联发贸易公司的过程中无过错,而事实上被上诉人在设立联发贸易公司过程中的过错十分明显。(1)依据中国三资企业法的有关规定,全民所有制企业与三资企业在企业性质、设立的主体、财产来源和性质以及设立的条件上是截然不同的,三资企业不可能作为国家或代表国家投资设立全民所有制企业,其再投资设立的全资子公司只能是三资企业性质,而作为中外合资经营企业的被上诉人竟然设立了全民所有制性质的联发贸易公司,显然违反了《中华人民共和国民法通则》第三十七条关于法人应当依法成立的规定。(2)被上诉人在向主管机关申请设立联发贸易公司时谎称没有外资股份,骗取了主管机关的审核批准,属于采用欺诈手段设立企业,是严重的违法行为。(3)被上诉人违反我国有关规定、非法设立联发贸易公司经营进出口贸易侵害了我国的外贸管理制度和外资管理制度,被上诉人设立联发贸易公司的目的严重违法。(4)原外经贸部1998年专门下文,明确指出根据我国现行的有关外资法规,厦门联发公司不能下设进出口贸易子公司,并撤销了联发贸易公司的外贸进出口业务经营权,说明厦门经贸委同意设立联发贸易公司的批文是错误的,而被上诉人实质是通过欺诈手段骗取了主管部门的批文,随后又以主管部门已批准为由来否认其自身行为的违法性和推卸应承担的责任。2.原审判决认定被上诉人对联发贸易公司不存在注册资金不实的情形是错误的。在联发贸易公司的工商登记材料中,先后有三份材料证明联发贸易公司的注册资金到位情况,即厦门经贸委于1986617出具的《资信证明》证实联发贸易公司注册资金500万元人民币、厦门会计师事务所于198959出具的《注册资金验证报告》证明联发贸易公司注册资本为100万元人民币且由被上诉人于1987516以流动资金拨入、厦门市财政局于199010月向厦门市工商行政管理局出具的便函称联发贸易公司实有资金100万元人民币。可见,联发贸易公司对其注册资金来源的表述是前后矛盾的,不能以上述三份材料为据来认定被上诉人对联发贸易公司的注册资金是到位的。如被上诉人不能出具银行原始凭证予以证实,应认定被上诉人对联发贸易公司实际上并无注册资金投入。根据最高人民法院法复(19944号文之规定,被上诉人应对本案债务承担全部责任。二、原审判决适用法律错误。1.联发贸易公司系违法设立,不具备独立法人的条件、不能独立对外承担责任。2.被上诉人违法设立联发贸易公司的行为自始无效,依法应当对上诉人承担全部责任。3.被上诉人基于非法目的、通过非法手段设立联发贸易公司的行为违反了中国公共利益和社会经济秩序,被上诉人设立联发贸易公司的行为自始无效,依法应对本案债务承担全部责任。三、在上诉人申请执行仲裁裁决时,福建省厦门市中级人民法院委托厦门敬贤联合会计师事务所对联发贸易公司的货款收回情况进行了审计,该会计师事务所于2003211出具的厦贤会(2003)审字第01723号《专项审计报告》表明,联发贸易公司已收回涉案业务项下的绝大部分货款,但并未对已收回的货款去向作任何说明。被上诉人的董事副总经理兼任联发贸易公司的法定代表人,从而被上诉人对联发贸易公司存在事实上的控制,而联发贸易公司已被吊销营业执照,在被上诉人不能对已收回的货款去向作出合理说明的情况下,上诉人认为收回的货款已被被上诉人非法转移。此外,上诉人现在无法得知被上诉人与联发贸易公司间是否存在财产、帐户混同的其他情形。故上诉人请求二审法院对联发贸易公司重新进行财务审计。请求:1.撤销原审判决;2.依法判令被上诉人向上诉人支付7 495 343.40美元及该款从199621起至实际支付日止按年利率8%计算的利息;3.由被上诉人承担一、二审诉讼费用、审计费用和其他费用。
  二审案件受理费320 317.22元人民币,由美国五矿公司承担。

审 判 长:  王 玧 
代理审判员:  陈纪忠 
代理审判员:  周 翔 
○○五年 日 
书 记 员:傅晓强()


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